< Riegel Entry No. 6, Pharm Phantasy >
Pharm Phantasy Series
Hello again everyone,
It was another hot Saturday evening before Monday’s July 4th celebration and a gathering of pharm hands meet on the veranda to sip some low grade Rhine wine and discuss Monday’s activities, specifically the firing of the cannon. The days of firing our rifles and pistols into the air were deemed over long ago by the Glendora Police and the pipe cannon was all that was left. Michael was shaking both of his arms high over his head in joy acting like a monkey and informed everyone that he had just received new tanks of oxygen and acetylene. A new delivery of cement, sand, rocks, or a little gas (yes, any kind) was all it took to cause him to go ecstatically ballistic. He also told everyone he was short on supplies of saran wrap and rubber bands so I volunteered to pick up the saran wrap the next day at the local 7-11 store. Well, either the Rhine wine was even cheaper than I originally thought or this struck Scottfurd’s funny bone because he started shaking his hand as though he was preparing to roll some virtual dice and yelling “7 come 11”, “11 come 7”, 7 come 11”. . . ( I called it “The Whine of the Rhine”). Well this started the whole 7-11 pharm phantasy phenomenon (at least in my head) and the more we drank talked about it the stranger it became. Someone mentioned that Thursday the date would be 7-7-’77 and someone else said that next Monday the date would be 7-11-’77 and it just grew weirder.
When I returned to my bedroom in the Tin Palace for the evening, I haphazardly started recording random incidences of sevens and elevens and I was absolutely positively blown away. I found hundreds upon hundreds of names, events and pharm pholklore words and phrases that had either seven or eleven characters. It was truly bizarre and eerie as I stayed up all night finding new ones and for months, now years, thereafter. I have listed but a fraction of them for you now and will be sending each of you a master list shortly. The parameters are: anything that had or has to do with the pharm and is comprised of either 7 or 11 characters. See attached poem and partial list of seven and eleven letter words and phrases. You can also try to find the 7 idioms and 11 Pharm Pholklore Phrases imbedded into the two parts of the poem.
You will be amazed!!!
Remaining an old Pharm Hand, Ron
You can open a pdf file showing the 7-11 word entries. Silliness from the past.

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Hi Ron,
Good Job. I guess there is more than one-way to pass ones time. In response to Michael Keith's offerings - a correction - Michael was always registered as an Independent but usually voted with the democrats but told everybody he voted with the republicans (choose your fantasy). He was mainly concerned with treating people kindly and supporting "the commons" i.e., roads, water supply, bridges, Railroads etc... the issues he thought mostly concerned the democrats. He certainly lived life with a socialistic leaning. My father spent many an evening discussing politics with Michael in the '70's & '80's.
The fantasy part comes in as MCR listened and interacted with friends I found he would always agree with whatever conclusion was expressed. It took me awhile to sort out his leanings on issues -- my father's conversations with Michael shed lots of light into his brain and demonstrated a keen understanding and support for the 'we' part of living on this good earth of ours.
You and Janet are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Remember we are never given anything we cannot handle. Please give my love to Melissa.
It is good of all to remember my Michael so diligently -- he could never understand the homage and respect he was shown during his lifetime. I am sure he is overwhelmed by all this in his after life.
We had a wonderful celebration Thanksgiving Day, missed MCR's presence, ate lots of turkey, and basked in the warmth of good wishes and memories.
Thanksgiving / Gratitude by Maya Angelou (one of MCR's favorites)
“I’m grateful for being here, for being able to think, for being able to see, for being able to taste, for appreciating love – for knowing that it exists in a world so rife with vulgarity, with brutality and violence, and yet love exists. I’m grateful to know that it exists.”
Please visit when in the neighborhood. Peace / Love Kaia
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